Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Happy Birthday to YOU (& me)

Born: October 8th, 1987
To: Brad and Lisa Oliverson
With and before: Me ( Amie Leigh Oliverson Calico) what a mouthful!

Alex Marie, the model!
Alex Marie, the monkey
Alex Marie, the lovebird

Happy Birthday allister marie oliverson! 
I love you more than anything! 
You are my soul mate sister! 
Thanks for being my best friend...

Okay, everyone, as you know I am a twin. 
You may or may not know that today is our birthday. 
I am not trying to get attention on myself for my b-day, 
( I just got married. I am good on my attention meter)
the thing is I just wanted to let everyone know and especially Ali, 
that I love her, she is my best friend, and I am so thankful for all the memories we have together. 
Even though I am married now and you sometimes don't feel like I am your twin anymore, I am your twin and I will always be your twin. 
You will forever be apart of me. 
You're so beautiful!
And I hope you have the best birthday ever! 
I know I've had fun so far today. 
Sorry Kavin's not here but we'll try & make up for it! 
LOVE YOU and Happy Day of Birth again!


Skyler and Bailey said...

Oh happy late birthday! I love you guys. You two are so beautiful!

Myles N Amanda said...

oh girlys! mucho love!

Heather said...

Happy birthday to you both. I can't believe how grown up everyone is. Goodness how old were you guys when I lived there? Congrats on the wedding. By the way, I stalked you off Stephanie's blog. :)

Karly Barker said...

hey I got a new blog. Sorry - my old one got deleted

Myles N Amanda said...

i was so glad you came into my work today! its SO FUN ALL THE TIME I SEE YOU!

Jaimelee and Steven Holm said...

so cute. I didn't know that ali's name was alex. that is so cute! thanks again for dinner! you guys are the best!
no one know's my real name, that's a secret ill never tell xoxo gossip girl